Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Balisong Knife in Movies: Big Trouble in Little China (1986)

Continuing with my project of documenting the Balisong Knife in Movies/TV by making animated GIFs, today's entry is from the 1986 cult classic Big Trouble in Little China. Big Trouble in Little China is a special movie but for my animated GIFs project it is a homerun. It features the Balisong aka Butterfly Knife in addition to a Telescopic Baton (another GIF project I have)!

Some thoughts about this movie with relation to Guro Jeff Imada and the Balisong:

  • Too bad with Guro Imada's involvement that there were not more scenes as he literally wrote the book on the Balisong, 2 in fact!
  • It was lame to use Guro Imada's Baton y Balisong as a distraction and someone trips Jack Burton/Kurt Russell from behind

The full scene featuring the awesome Guro Jeff Imada

The above full GIF broken up into 4 separate GIFs below

If you missed the previous entries in my project of making animated GIFs of the Balisong in Movies/TV, please check out:

In case you missed the entries in my "Baton in Movies/TV" series please check out:

If you like the Balisong knife, please check out the post below for details of a documentary project on the Balisong which needs help with funding to finish:

For the record, I've already pledged money. I would like to see this project come to fruition! Please help if you can financially, if not, please share that post to spread the word!

Thank you in advance!



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