Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Chen Kuan-tai - Iron Monkey Strikes Back! (1978) (Full movie)

Happy 69th Birthday Chen Kuan-tai!!

Earlier I posted in his honor the 'prequel':

Following up with the 'sequel' in this entry.


Title: Iron Monkey Strikes Back! (1978) (AKA: Duel At Tiger Village ( Original Title ), Iron Monkey 2, Tough Guy)

Iron Monkey superstar Chen Kuan-tai plays Cool Head, the enforcer with the Monkey Fist on the prowl for subversive assassins who plan to overthrow the government. Aided by the beautiful but deadly Judy Lee, Cool Head takes out the assassins one by one. Watch for Chen Sing, the Tiger Claw master, as he tears up opponents with incredible ease. Only the Monkey Fist has a chance of slaying this tiger.

For more information, please check out: 

For other Chen Kuan-tai posts, please see:



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